The Latest Web Design Trends 2022

By :- Chris - Web Guru Awards Team


Just like any other entity, web designs change over time. The elements that were popular earlier may not stay the same forever! Thus, it's important to modify your website as per the current web design trends. Are you wondering what the biggest web design trend of 2022 is? Find out here: 

1) The Return of Retro Fonts

Mark our words! 2022 is going to be the year of retro fonts. It is where designers brainstorm ideas to modify and style fonts per past trends to make a good web page. These fonts provide an old-school or vintage touch to the entire web design. Their traditional style makes a website more unique than the competitors.

Retro fonts are useful for both logo and branding designs. They are appropriate for adding contrast and highlighting the content. They can encourage the visitor to read the content rather than skimming through it. They are already used by popular names like Dollar Shave Club and Harley Davidson. So, you know it's the right trend to follow!

2) Parallax Scrolling Animations

Parallax scrolling is a computer graphics technique where the website background moves slower than the foreground. This adds a Faux-3D effect to the website. Parallax scrolling is better than static websites as it enhances the website depth. Its playful experience and unique features encourage the users to stay on the page for a longer time.

As websites have only 50 milliseconds to make a good first impression, you can use ideas like Parallax scrolling animations for conversion. Besides adding fun and engagement, it can guide the visitors towards the call to action. It can also emphasize the professionalism and creativity of a brand. However, do not overuse this effect or it may distract the readers from the real information.

3) Vibrant Colour Schemes

Muted colours are old school! Today's website calls for vibrant colour schemes. A website with bright colours can attract more customers than those with subtle ones. Besides adding a memorable touch to the design, they can highlight the essentials of the website. They can also add contrast to the design and increase the readability and clarity of the layout.

With visuals being one of the five important elements of web design, do not hesitate to experiment with unique schemes. You can use different colours like yellow, green, blue, orange, and red for your website. Also, you can take ideas from the world's best websites to decide on colours and fonts.

4) Maximalist or Minimalist Web Designs

Currently, both maximalist and minimalist designs are ruling the web design trends. Minimalist design is where you include only the essentials and remove any extra website elements. It has a basic layout with a user-friendly interface, minimal detailing, and hidden navigation.

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Grid layouts are popular for structuring the larger contents of a website. The lines, borders, and frames help to create a clear website outlet. It is also efficient for adding visual interest and flexibility to the layout. Grids can balance both visual and text content to make a simple design. The clear-cut website arrangement provides a satisfactory experience to the visitors. It also helps the visitors/users to navigate and read the content.

What else? These layouts are mobile-friendly! As mobile-friendliness impacts the search ranking positively, this can be a plus point for your website visibility.

7) Videos on Homepage

Besides being a video marketing trend, adding videos to the homepages makes a website look more iconic. Nowadays, startups display short clips and slideshows of the products on their website homepages. Not only does it grab the attention of the visitor, but also ensures their long stay. It also helps a business to convey its aims and services to the customers. Thus, if your website homepages lack videos, it's time to add them today! 

So, that was all about the top web design trends in 2022. Hopefully, our suggestions will help you design your website easily. Implement them now for a quick revamp of your site!

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