Types of Landing Pages And Choosing The One For Your Business Goal

By :- Rajita - Web Guru Awards Team

types of landing pages

Landing pages are one of the essential parts of a website as it helps the marketer to get an average conversion rate of 26%. It uses CTAs, forms, and links to ensure that visitors reach the page where they need to. While there are various types of landing pages, it's important to select the one that matches your business goal. So, let's get a quick overview of the same:

Note: Leads can surge up by 55% with 10-12 landing pages on a website.

Why You Need Landing Pages

1) Squeeze Page

As the name suggests, the Squeeze page is a landing page that literally squeezes (or extracts) the information from the user. As soon as the user provides the information, they get some offers in return. Usually, these details are provided through a CTA button and are employed for various marketing purposes. The offers-in-return generally includes trials, email list sign-ups, infographics, podcasts, etc. Common details in the squeeze landing page include contact, name, and email ID.

You must have seen a website that asks for certain details before accessing the services. These landing pages are a must-have if you have a similar objective. It's also suitable for startups looking to build email lists or the ones that provide gated content.

Components of a Squeeze Page: Copy, form, headline, and images. 

2) Click-Through

Click-through landing pages ensure that the targeted user converts to a potential buyer. Thus, it consists of the elements that encourage the same. The page does not contain complexities but only the fact that makes the product/service purchasable. It consists of a button that redirects the buyer to the final purchase page.

These pages are perfect for eCommerce businesses, gated contents, white papers, e-books, etc. It does not force the customer to make a purchase. Instead, it encourages them to do s

Components of a Click-Through Page: Product description, offer details, benefits, CTAs, videos, testimonials, contact details, etc.

3) Product Details Page

A product details page is a type of landing page that features relevant data about a product. This also includes information about sales representatives who can guide the users through other product details. Through this landing page, users can convert or make a purchase after reading the information.

Startups or businesses can use this landing page to sell their main products. Its use of good visuals and high-quality content is perfect for increasing conversion rates. You can take assistance from companies like Close2U to create a digitally-innovative landing page.

Components of Product Details Page: Pictures, outside navigation, offer details, testimonials, etc.

4) Video Landing Page

Video landing pages feature a sales-focused video that's situated above the hold. It stimulates the user to watch the video and displays the form once users have watched a majority (or entirely) of it. Being one of the most effective sources of marketing, video landing pages can be used for any business. It makes a great page for displaying their attractive or leading products. You can use Lispako to create landing pages that add dynamicity and variability through colours and images.

Components of Video Landing Page: Headlines, video, texts, or forms

5) Others

  • Long-form landing page
  • Splash page
  • Lead capture page
  • Unsubscribe landing page
  • Paid advertising landing page
  • 404 landing page
  • Thank you landing page
  • About us landing page
  • Coming soon page, and many more  


Landing pages are efficient for providing a clear insight into your brand to the users. Thus, when deciding on it, go through the article and select an ideal landing page accordingly! 


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